Consensus Complementarity Control for Multi-Contact MPC

Alp Aydinoglu, Adam Wei, Wei-Cheng Huang, and Michael Posa

IEEE Transactions on Robotics (TRO), 2024

We propose a hybrid model predictive control algorithm, consensus complementarity control (C3), for systems that make and break contact with their environment. Many state-of-the-art controllers for tasks which require initiating contact with the environment, such as locomotion and manipulation, require a priori mode schedules or are too computationally complex to run at real-time rates. We present a method based on the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) that is capable of high-speed reasoning over potential contact events. Via a consensus formulation, our approach enables parallelization of the contact scheduling problem. We validate our results on five numerical examples, including four high-dimensional frictional contact problems, and a physical experimentation on an underactuated multi-contact system. We further demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on a physical experiment accomplishing a high-dimensional, multi-contact manipulation task with a robot arm.

Publisher Website

  title = {Consensus Complementarity Control for Multi-Contact MPC},
  author = {Aydinoglu, Alp and Wei, Adam and Huang, Wei-Cheng and Posa, Michael},
  year = {2024},
  month = jul,
  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Robotics (TRO)},
  youtube = {L57Jz3dPwO8},
  arxiv = {2304.11259},
  doi = {10.1109/TRO.2024.3435423},
  url = {}